Tuesday, May 17, 2011

VTU Academic Transcripts

[After having personally spent a lot of time, in July 2010, to get correct information on this topic, I realized how difficult it is to obtain a transcript. So hope this blog helps out all those seeking details on obtaining VTU transcripts]

A transcript is essentially a mark sheet in another format. Grading systems in other countries are very different from that of India and hence students need to furnish the university with a transcript that will allow the institution to understand the grading system of the Indian university. A transcript has the following information on it - number of hours per week the subject was taught, maximum marks that can be obtained in the subject and also a grading box that explains that in the Indian system, a 60% is a first class or an "A" grade. A transcript must be on the school or college letterhead, stamped by a 'purple' seal and also have a signature of a school official (usually the principal).

VTU Transcript is a single sheet of paper with the marks of all semesters on it, much like a consolidated marks card. It also has a cover letter that introduces the university and grading patterns to the recipient. They also provide you with an extra copy which could be kept for reference.

INR 250 for 1st copy and INR 150 each for subsequent copies (rates are subject to change check official VTU website before getting a DD).

Required Documents:
·         Transcript Application Form (Handwritten or Prescribed as at http://www.vtu.ac.in/pdf/circulars/atten1.pdf)
·         Mark Sheets of all the Semesters
·         Demand Draft (DD) with the specified amount drawn in the favor of “The Finance Officer, VTU, Belgaum” (Write your name/USN/ contact number at the back of D.D for safety)

How To:
Transcript Application Form and Procedure to apply for transcripts from VTU Regional Office, Bangalore is available at http://vtu.ac.in/pdf/circulars/atten1.pdf

Tentative Timeline:
·         Mailing VTU Belgaum: 1 to 4 weeks
·         Visiting VTU Belgaum: 1 day
·         Visiting VTU Bangalore (Regional Office): 2 days

Note: If you decided to go to Belgaum better call the Registrar at either of the following numbers for doubts regarding official transcripts: 0831-2498136/2498135 (could be outdated)

Elaborate Steps:

Mailing VTU Belgaum
1.      Determine number of copies of transcripts required and get a D.D in favor of "The Finance Officer, VTU, Belgaum” payable at Belgaum for that amount. Write your name/USN/ contact number at the back of D.D.
2.      Fill the transcript application form (from page 2 of document at http://vtu.ac.in/pdf/circulars/atten1.pdf) or create your own simple handwritten request. Provide details such as Name of Candidate, USN, Year and Month of Completion, Address where the transcripts need to be sent and Number of copies required in the request form.
3.       Attach copies your graduation certificate and your mark sheets from all semesters.
4.       Courier all these docs to the below address / leave it in college (if they have such process in place). “The Registrar (Evaluations), Examination Section, Viveswaraya Technological University, Jnana Sangama, Belgaum – 590014”

2. Visiting VTU Belgaum/Bangalore Office

[If you are visiting VTU Belgaum call VTU and ensure that registrar is available on the day you are visiting]

Carry all the documents mentioned in above procedure and the procedure should take less than day if done in VTU or 2 days if in Bangalore regional office.

Visvesvaraya Technological University Regional Office
RHCS Layout,  Annapoorneshwarinagar, Nagarbhavi,  Bengaluru – 560 091
Ph:  080-23181188 / Fax: 080-23186932
E-Mail : sorob_4@vtu.ac.in

(from http://www.vtu.ac.in/pdf/Circulars/regional.pdf)

Route Map of How to Reach VTU Regional OfficeBangalore at http://vtu.ac.in/nconant/map.pdf

[Update 2nd Dec 2011: Here is how a transcript looks like]

[Update 21st Jan 2015: Here are some more details on how class of degree is calculated (as mentioned in 2nd page of the transcript)]